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We all want to be successful parents and we all want what's best for our children. Even though this is true, parenting can trigger us in ways we've never experienced. There is often conflicting information on how to raise our children and often we find ourselves too overwhelmed to sort through the pile of ideas. Often, we may face a problem with a child that we were never taught how to handle - that we feel ill-equipped to solve.

I will listen to your concerns and provide you with parenting techniques for your specific child's needs as well as assisting you in working through any emotions that have been triggered by the current challenge. 


It is my experience that therapy can be a great help to teens. Everything is more difficult for a teenager than an adult because each life experience is completely new. They haven't yet developed coping mechanisms to handle life's difficult choices & emotions. Unfortunately, life does not spare adolescents from its harrowing events. Divorce, addiction, loss, and depression occur whether they have the skills to cope or not.

I have found that adolescents who engage in therapy, grow up to be more confident, emotionally intelligent individuals. I have been particularly successful in working with adolescents because I feel that therapy can be a balance of fun and challenge. All adolescents want to be successful. It's a matter of helping them find their own voice, & fostering their confidence in problem-solving.