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Substance Abuse/Addiction

Many of us worry about entering therapy to evaluate a substance abuse problem because we fear being unfairly labeled an 'addict' or 'alcoholic'. As I believe in the harm-reduction perspective, I give you the power to evaluate your own substance use issues. I will give you the tools you need to assess if alcohol or other drug use has reached a point of concern.

If you do determine that you are dealing with substance abuse or addiction issues I will assist you in developing a plan to address this.

It can be painful to realize that our use has become unmanageable. I will create a safe space to voice these emotions and I will help you learn coping skills to be able to successfully encounter life in sobriety.

In session we will spend time discussing your concerns, identifying what you would like to begin work on, and devising strategies for you to begin implementing outside of session. Along the way, I will provide education and insights so that you may learn about your particular issue more fully and gain clearer perspective on your behaviors.

You will be in charge of deciding how far you'd like to go into a particular issue. I may challenge you (with compassion), but ultimately therapy is a tool that you will use as much or little as you feel ready for.